Saturday, March 10, 2012

What do I need to know from Dragon Age:O before starting Dragon Age 2?

Now I have played a few hours of Dragon Age:O i know not enough to say I know the ending( I look up the Wiki ) for the story so i know about Morrigan's child if you choose that and/or your Warden dieing after killing the Arch Demon. I end the game early cause I kind of got bored with the fighting style and all the talking not that its a bad thing i just didn't enjoy it, i know Dragon Age 2 will be better for that type of thing. And I know some main characters like Alisiter and Flemeth that you see in the beginning of Dragon Age 2. What I want to know is if the child or Alisiter being king and which Warden killed the the Archdemon. I want to know everything i need to know minor or important even some things like whether Hawke is the child and things like that.What do I need to know from Dragon Age:O before starting Dragon Age 2?
DA2 is a whole new game. There isn't much you need to know. If you read the summary on the wiki you should be fine. If you don't import a DA:O save you will be able to choose a world setting during character creation. That will decide whether or not Alistair is king. Morrigan and her baby aren't part of DA2 at all.

Combat in DA2 is still very similar, it's just faster. There is also more talking and cutscenes in DA2 than in Origins. If you don't take the time to talk to NPCs and get to know your companions you will miss out on a lot. I'm not sure you will like this game if you couldn't finish the original.

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